Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Human Aura

While I am trying to keep this blog more on the lines of hard evidence and rational thinking, there is my my mind no doubt that the Human energy field exists. When one delves into the deeper aspects of psychology and ethics and you come to the conclusion that their is evil in the world, there is also good. And while these are relative concepts they do a good job explaining what is behind the major forces which shape our world. Isn’t it ironic that the aspect of our existence which we depend upon the most is the one we understand the least?  I’m speaking here of the human energy matrix; the Aura and the chakra system. The first thing we need to understand is that the auric field and chakra centers are one complete system of energy and must be looked at as such if understanding it is what we seek.

Most people go from day to day without much thought about their energy system, or its condition, never realizing that although it is a system which can function automatically. However it is designed to respond to direct input from us…and only operates at peak efficiency when such is the case.  Without direct input & regular maintenance from you, your aura and chakras operate in a kind of default mode. Now this works well enough for a while but will eventually lead to a situation where instead of your energy responding to you…you are reacting to your energy, and emotions. The impact of this is perhaps greater when put in visual terms.

Next we must understand that the aura is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional bio-electric body suit which is NOT generated by the body, but which, in fact, creates the body!  This goes contrary to popular thought mainly because most of the material available is just re-hashed variants of information passed between teacher & student ages ago, and is inherently wrong on a couple of key issues.  We know by now that we are spiritual beings having a human experience; and that Earth, having been in third dimensional awareness for eons, is now transitioning to a higher frequency resonance.  For our spiritual resonance to exist in such dense, muddy environs as third dimensional space-time some accommodations & adjustments are required, hence the human form comes into being thru the resonance and intent that is you.

Chakras are ‘observation & measuring devices’… spinning vortices that function much the same a sensors & scanners…and they are also repositories of dedicated data, (not at all unlike a CD-Rom disc) and you have two sets of them so to speak.  First are the traditional seven chakras most may be familiar with, associated with the body.  Then there are the five chakras you probably have never heard of, called the trans-personal or spiritual chakras.  To be sure there are many who have written about the twelve chakra system, unfortunately there isn’t always good continuity of information between them.  It’s almost as if when writing a book on astrology, the author could name the planets anything he wanted.  Unlike astrology, where each planet has a universally accepted name, such does not seem to be the case on the subject of chakras; leading to much confusion to say the least.  The information here is mostly from the channel Lazaris and is a synthesized condensation of his many hours of audio tapes and presentations on the human energy system.  My goal here being to provide a basic, rudimentary guide to the energy system, and how it works.

The structure and function of the 12 chakras is as follows:
1st, Root chakra @ base of spine, center of security & comfort
2nd Sacral Chakra @ pelvis, center of primal creativity-sexuality
3rd Solar Plexus Chakra @diaphragm, Full range of human emotion
4th Heart Chakra @upper chest, center of love
5th Throat Chakra, The full range of human expression
6th Brow Chakra @ forehead, center of intuition & wisdom
7th Crown Chakra, @top of head, realm of unlimited potential

Everything that exists on Earth existed first on the causal plane.  Events transpiring on Earth happen first in the causal plane, then here; and this ninth chakra, the doorway to the casual plane, rests just a few inches above the head.  From here your energy does not proceed directly into the crown chakra, but instead it balloons outward & and downward forming an energetic ovoid shaped shell, connecting with the eighth chakra below the feet, which is the realm of unlimited probability.  From here your energy again balloons outward and upward now, just inside the first shell, and then enters the physical body thru the seventh chakra, called the crown which is the realm of unlimited potential. Whether or not you fully realize it, you are an ageless, timeless energy entity existing in the realm of unlimited potential, between the realms of unlimited probability, and unlimited possibility.
Now your energy courses into the body and the seven traditional chakra centers; bringing it first to the brow chakra which is the center of intuition & wisdom.  Not only do the traditional chakras function as sensors, always searching for new data in their informational range, they also store all of this information, a function which will clarify as we proceed.  Next your energy encounters the throat chakra, the yang energy hub, whose function is the full range of human expression.  From here it spirals down, entering the heart chakra, your center of unlimited, unconditional love.  Spiraling on down your energy enters the Solar Plexus chakra, our yin energy center whose function is the full range of human emotion.  Next comes the sacral chakra, where all of our primal sexuality and creativity originate from; and finally your energy reaches the first chakra, the root, or base chakra which is the domain of security and comfort, and represents the end of the goddesses exhale breath, and the beginning of the next inhale.

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